Staff Profile – Chit Suu Kyi

Chit Suu Kyi was two years old when her father was assassinated. She attended schools in Burma until 1960, when her mother was appointed ambassador to India. After further study in India, she attended the University of Oxford, where she met her future husband, the British scholar Michael Aris. She and Aris had two children and lived a rather quiet life until 1988, when she returned to Burma to nurse her dying mother, leaving her husband and sons behind. There the mass slaughter of protesters against the brutal and unresponsive rule of military strongman U Ne Win led her to speak out against him and to begin a nonviolent struggle for democracy and human rights.

Chit joined Toyville in March 2020 and has been a valuable member of staff ever since. She is of a very timid disposition and would never hurt a fly or so much as utter a bad word.